Library Sections
Reference Section
The reference section contains books and manuals for your quick and easy reference (such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, world book, directories, Banglapedia etc.).If you need to find out if the reference section has the book you need, please have the call number identified from the catalogue . The call number is the number that listed on the right corner of the card with the first two letters of the author printed below it. For example, R/303 DIC, the ‘R’ stands for ‘reference’, while 303 is the call number for a book that has the type ‘Dictionary’. This call number will help you physically locate the book in the reference section. Please seek the help of the library staff if you can not find the book.
- Reference Books
- List of BARD Publication
- List of CDs Available in BRU,R CLIC
- Atlases Available in BRU,R CLIC
- Subject Dictionary Available in BRU,R CLIC
- Encyclopedia Available in BRU,R CLIC
Documentation and Rare collection section
This section is located on the Central Library & Information centre. It is recommended that you use this section when you require very specific information on a subject matter. This section is open to only teachers and researchers who have been pre-approved to use the section for their research. Many of the theses and dissertations for higher degrees (M.S, MPhil and PhD).These documents may not be photocopied or issued for loan. They may only be accessed inside the section.Over the years, this section has grown to a rich collection of rare manuscripts, gazetteers, liberation war documents, shahnama etc. In order to use the documentation section, researchers need to fill out a form requesting approval from the library administrator/ Librarian. Regular students can avail this section by submitting their ID card to a staff in the room. The ‘DOC’ in the call number for books in this section denotes ‘documents’. In order to find out if this section has the book or manuscript you need.
Periodical Section
This section is located on the CLIC. This section houses all types of serial publications (other than books), such as journals, magazines, weeklies, monthlies, Who’s Who, Almanacs etc. This section is open to students, teachers, officers and researchers. Students may enter this section by first logging their name on the entry form located at the entrance of the room. However, students will need to submit their ID cards if they wish to read the periodicals and research journals. This section is open from 8.30am to 5.00 pm. None of the items in this section are available for loan, although certain items may be photocopied per the standard procedure of the CLIC.
Newspaper Section
This section is located on the central Library & Information centre and is open from 9.00am to 7.00 pm to all students, teachers, officers and researchers of the University. Photocopying facilities are available per standard procedure. Fourteen news dailies are collected every day for this section among which 14 are archived for research purposes.
Newspapers Available in the (BRU CLIC) since 2008
- Daily Sokaler Khabor, দৈনিক mKv‡ji Lei
- Daily Inqilab, দৈনিক ইনকিলাব
- Dainik kaler kantha, দৈনিক কালের কণ্ঠ
- Daily Janakantha, দৈনিক জসকন্ঠ
- Daily Jugantor, দৈনিক যুগান্তর
- Daily Prothom Alo, দৈনিক cÖ_g আলো
- Daily Samakal, দৈনিক সমকাল
- Daily Ittefaq, দৈনিক ইত্তেফাক
- The Daily Independent
- The Daily Star
- Dainik Mayabazar, gvqv evRvi
- Dainik Jugar Alo, hy‡Mi Av‡jv
- The Daily Sun
- The Daily New Age
Acquisition Section
This section has the responsibility of collecting books and periodicals to keep up with the state of knowledge. The section is mandated with the role to build on collection of books for each department as per need and availability of funds during each fiscal year. An important feature of this section is the acquisition of syllabi for curricula and building of a useful collection of books based on student demand. This section is also connected online to various databases worldwide via the internet which facilities access to further journals and periodicals for BRUR researchers and students. Refer to the BRUR library website at for more information on the online system.
Processing Section
This section is very important on the CLIC. This section processes all the books and periodicals acquired for serving the needs of the readers. Each book is first catalogued, given a call number, entered into a database and provided with a card stack for keeping track of issues before they are released to the reading room. Additional copies of books are stacked in the ground floor of the library.
This section performs the major professional activities like Classification, and Cataloguing. The Library is using International Standard Classification DDC 21 st edition Scheme for classification, AACR II for cataloguing, Library of Congress Subject Headings for determination of Subject Heading. For Library Automation, books are catalogued according to MARC 21 by using Koha-ILS software.
Circulation Section
This section is located on the door side of the reading hall room. Any eligible with a valid identification card may issue books for loan from this section. Only those books that in more than 3 copies are available for loan to students/teachers and researchers. Under extra-ordinary circumstances the 2nd or 3rd copies of certain books may be issued to students for 7 days and to teachers for 15 days.
Liberation War photo Gallery Section
In Central Library and Information Center displaying photo Gallery Corner with well decorated which name is Liberation War photo Gallery Corner. In this corner, a huge collection on Biography of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman photo, Bangladesh Liberation War photo and history of Bangladesh.